
A static wrapper class for interfacing with tracking systems across all platforms.


TBTracking sets up tracking nodes for all of the devices needed by your game at runtime, and lets you attach / detach objects from those nodes.


  • At least one platform is enabled in the Core Settings menu
  • The scene contains a TBCore object
  • At least one tracked input type is enabled in the Input Settings menu


Get the TButt and UnityEngine.XR namespaces to reference TBTracking in your scripts.

using TButt;
using UnityEngine.XR;

Getting Nodes

You can get a reference to any node’s transform with the following function:

Transform GetTransformForNode(XRNode node)

The supported nodes are as follows:

Node Device
XRNode.CenterEye Camera
XRNode.LeftHand Left hand controller
XRNode.RightHand Right hand controller
XRNode.GameController 3DOF controller or tracked gamepad

Attaching to Nodes

Use the included TBTrackedNodeHelper script, or manually attach your objects to tracking nodes at runtime.

3DOF Arm Model

The 3DOF arm model (accessible via TB3DOFArmModel.instance) offers some features specific to that node type:

Function Description
void ToggleCenteredAlignment(bool on) Toggles “centered” or left / right handedness alignnment.
Transform GetPointerSourceTransform() Gets the pointer transform, which may have a different alignment from the hand transform (for raycasting).
Transform GetHandTransform() Gets the hand transform for the arm model.


You can get events when nodes are connected:

Event Description
TBTracking.OnNodeConnected(XRNode node, Transform t) Receives the newly connected node and the transform associated with it.