Now Avaialble: v1.1.0

TButt v1.1.0 is now available! This release includes the platform services update, which gives you the option to use TButt for cross platform entitlement checks and achievements with services like Oculus Platform and Steamworks.

New in v1.1.0

  • Services system. Check out the services documentation for more information on setup and usage.
  • Reworked input demo scene.

Fixes and improvements since v1.0.0

  • Improved Oculus Rift S compatibility. Locked timestep will be based on 80hz instead of 90hz when Rift S is detected (and this has been fixed to accommodate unknown future hardware with different refresh rates as well).
  • Oculus Quest and Rift S controllers are now reported as VRController.OculusTouchV2 when using TBInput.GetControllerModel(). The original Touch controllers for Oculus Rift resolve as VRController.OculusTouchV1.
  • Added haptics support for Windows Mixed Reality on WSA apps when using Unity 2018.1 or newer.
  • Improved visual feedback for what controller types are enabled / disabled in the Input Settings window.
  • Fixed bug where camera could spawn outside of tracking volume.
  • Fixed some issues when using TButt with Unity 2017.1.

Possible breaking changes

  • VRController enums OculusTouch and OculusQuestController are still offered, but are now deprecated and replaced with OculusTouchV1 and OculusTouchV2 respectively. The new design of Oculus Touch controllers for Rift S resolve as OculusTouchV2 with this update (whereas they were not distinguished from old Touch controllers before).
  • Rift S is now reported as VRHeadset.OculusRiftS when using TBCore.GetActiveHeadset(), instead of VRHeadset.OculusRift.

As always, join us on Discord to get support and see how other devs are using TButt in their projects!