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I just installed TButt, and I’m getting nulls when I hit play (or nothing happens when I hit play).

  • Make sure you have a GameObject with a TBCore component in your scene.
  • Enable “TButt Editor Logs” in the Core Settings menu to see if that gives you any more information about the problem. This option is located in the “Debug Options” section of the Global tab as shown below:


I’m getting errors after enabling Steam VR.

Make sure you have Steam VR Plugin v1.2.3 in your project, not version 2.0 or newer.


Input isn’t being detected at runtime.

Make sure the controller you’re using is enabled in the Input Settings menu and you are setting your Active Control Type at runtime. See TBInput reference for more information.

Input is detected in the editor, but not in builds.

Make sure you are setting your Active Control Type at runtime, and not just relying on the default editor input type from the Input Settings menu. See TBInput reference for more information.

Input events aren’t working.

The input event system must be enabled in the “More Input Settings” section of the Input Settings menu (except on mobile 3DOF platforms, where it is forced on to detect handedness changes).